I have discovered, yet again, that highly polished glossy black metal isn't black - it's an impossibly complex mix of reflective colours. For this drawing, I'd managed to find some Derwent pencils that are varying shades of grey-blue.
The 40 NZR J class steam locomotives were all built by North British Locomotive Works, Scotland. The locomotive was notable in that it had a boiler that was partly streamlined.
J1211 was purchased by a syndicate from NZR in 1971 and moved to Steam Incorporated's site at Paekakariki. In 1978, Ian Welch purchased it outright and moved it to Glenbrook Vintage Railway for restoration. J1211 is named 'Gloria' and has been fitted with original style streamlining. It was converted to oil firing in 1996.
The centenary of the North Island Main Trunk line was celebrated over the Labour Weekend, 2008 at Fielding. Steam locomotives in attendance were F163, Ab663, Wab794, J1211, Ja1271, Ja1275 and Ka942. Here we see J1211 simmering in the afternoon sun.